Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Dirty Little Secrets Of Influencers

What they don't want their friends to know...

You gotta see this...

There's a thing in psychology called information bias. The gist of it is that us humans tend to believe that more information is more useful - that more is better.
But most often, more information doesn't actually add any significant value and can sometimes cause more confusion than it's worth.

This is especially true to beginning anything new, including becoming a "Digital Nomad."
See, the fact is that most digital nomads had to work their tails off to earn enough to pay their bills while exploring the world.

 And there is no way on earth they want to believe YOU could do the same without going through that hard, long road as well.
And this is the dirty little secret: experience is overrated.
It's a fine line between gaining enough knowledge to do a job well and delaying your start because you don't think you have enough information.
And, if anything, information bias tells us we probably take too long to start something in the false belief that we don't know enough to begin.
I deeply hope you keep this in mind when tackling any new endeavor throughout your life because if you tend toward action over the information you'll be so much farther ahead of the next person trying to do the same thing...

Get the minimum necessary information and START. Pick up the rest as needed.
And a friend of ours has just released an awesome video that lays out this action... but no more than you need to get started.
If you've ever dreamed of ditching the office and galavanting across the globe without money worries because you get paid doing work you love from your laptop in paradise, I hope you'll watch this important video for yourself now.
To the action takers,

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